
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Look What I Found at Dollar Tree!

I found these 3-D Geometric Shapes at Dollar Tree yesterday! I plan to use them during the first week of school to have students create a growth mindset classroom display!  I will give each student a face to color and write a growth message on!

Dodecahedron:  12 faces (pentagons)
Icosahedron:  20 faces (triangles)
Rhombicuboctahedron has:  26 faces (8 triangles and 18 squares)
Small Stellated Dodecahedron:  60 faces (triangles)


  1. Wow, these are awesome! I definitely need to check out the Dollar Tree by my house. I love your idea of using growth mindset on them. I created a growth mindset bulletin board for the hall last year, but these would be way more hands on and engaging for students. I can already think of other ways to use these in math, science, and LA. They would be great for math games, science reviews, and character cubes. Thanks for such a great share! :)

  2. How did this work? What did you use to put the faces together?

  3. They turned out great! Instead of at the beginning of the school year, I used them later to help build a positive classroom culture. First I tried to glue the "edges" together, but this was difficult, time consuming and not very durable--it kept falling apart. Second time around I folded the tabs for the edges to the outside and stapled them together. It was so easy to put together, very durable and sturdy, and looks great. I'll post a picture!
